Apr 16

Ensure Uniform Transition

Turf managers in many parts of the country are in the midst of “transition,” the time in turf’s life cycle when it breaks winter dormancy and begins growing again. This is always a tricky time for delivering optimal turf conditions. The challenge can be compounded in areas that have experienced a relatively dry winter.

Soils that have remained dry for en extended period of time may become hydrophobic, or water repellent. Untreated water repellency leads to irregular wetting patterns below the soil surface and in turn negatively affects uniform transition.

Soil moisture is directly correlated to soil temperature. Soils that are more uniformly moist will warm up more consistently than soils that are wet in some areas and dry in others.  Put in the simplest terms: a lack of uniformity in the rootzone will cause irregularities above the soil surface. Turf may appear “blotchy” or uneven.

Using a soil surfactant during the transition period is a proven method for helping soils to rehydrate consistently and in turn improve turf uniformity coming out of dormancy.

flexAqueduct Flex is a simple solution for turf managers looking to ensure uniform transition. Aqueduct Flex is a new, fast-acting granular that can be applied at one bag per acre to ensure 30-day protection against soil water repellency.

Benefits of Aqueduct Flex:

  • Does not need to be watered in when applied
  • Will not burn when used as directed
  • Biodegradable and non-toxic to plants
  • Durable bag with re-sealable closure

Talk to your Aquatrols distributor today to find out how Aqueduct Flex can fit into your turf management plan.


About The Author

More than 60 years ago, Aquatrols introduced the world’s first commercially available soil wetting agent. Since creating an entirely new product category to address water management challenges and opportunities, the company has remained a top innovator and producer of high-performance soil surfactants and related technologies. Aquatrols’ advanced product suite optimizes soil-water-plant interactions in agricultural, professional turfgrass, and horticultural industries in more than 40 countries. Headquartered in southern New Jersey, Aquatrols also has offices in the United Kingdom and conducts business on six continents.