Most golf courses have seen their budgets shrink over the past few years. As we settle into this new golf economy, it’s becoming tougher for many superintendents to budget for continuing education.
That’s why we’re thrilled with the latest news from TurfNet.In an attempt to make quality turf education available to as many people as possible, the industry’s premier online turf community has slashed the price of an annual membership to $195! That’s a $100 price cut over last year!
Aquatrols has always believed in the value of education in the turf industry. That’s why we’re pitching in another $50 each new member who signs up through July 4th. That means you can enjoy log-in accounts for three people, unlimited Forum access, all 24+ Webinars with GCSAA points, free job listings, free used equipment listings, and much more for only $145!
The new $195 membership rate is here to stay but the $50 offer will last only through July 4. So act now to join the best turf community on the ‘net! To cash in on the $50 offer, just use coupon code aquatrols$50 when you sign up.
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